Greetings all

I was just catching up with old digests after the Xmas break and
so apologies if the thread has already died....
First off, let me state that the information I provide here is true 
and accurate for the F90X and F5 (with an AF-D lens), with the 
speedlight mounted on camera and no diffusers or other attachments 
used. I don't have access to an F70 so I can't guarantee that this 
will necessarily be exactly the same.

Most people complain that they get underexposed pictures when using 
3D MSBFF when the flash is the key light and that selecting standard 
TTL gives the correct results. This is true.......
BUT  the difference in output between standard TTL and 3D MSBFF 
(for a scene of average reflectance) is only -0.3EV, NOT  -0.7EV 
that some people have suggested. However,  with MF lenses only the 
F90X gives a fixed -0.7EV compensation at all times.....

(To prove this to yourselves, any flashmeter and an old speedlight 
(pre SB25) can be used. If using a speedlight with preflash, you will 
have to rely on visual comparisons on slide film  as the preflash 
triggers the flashmeter - the fill algorithm is the same though.)

Interestingly, the F50 (I use one as a backup to my F90X) is 
consistent with all the older cameras (F601 etc) and gives correct 
exposures with flash as the key light source (below EV10). Above 
EV10, -0.7EV is applied. 
God only knows why the 3DMSBFF system doesn't work in the same way!

If more compensation is needed to overcome underexposure, I would 
suggest having the system checked by Nikon.
Another factor that can affect exposure is the use of a diffuser in 
the 3DMSBFF mode - a diffuser will cause the system to think that the 
subject is dark (since the reflected preflash amplitude will be less 
than expected) and therefore cut the light back during the actual 
exposure leading to underexposure.
Also if your camera gives better results with films like Provia or 
Velvia derated by 0.3 stop, then the results from the 
(unmodified)3DFill mode will appear to be 0.7 stops under when the 
films are rated at the correct ISO. This still doesn't alter the fact 
that the fill mode output will only be 0.3 stops under std TTL below 

Happy experimentation!

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