Hi Anthony,

Thanks for the reply.  Two questions related to it follow, if
I may!

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:06:24 +1200 Anthony Newland wrote:

> i) With balanced fill flash, you meter for the bright background 
> (using matrix metering) and the flash illuminates the foreground for 
> a "natural" effect, so the entire scene is recorded faithfully.

When trying to photograph my daughter sitting on the sill of a large
window (detailed in another posting to the same digest issue), I did
use 3DMSBFF and matrix metering.  With the camera in A priority and
the flash switched off, the meter gave a shutter speed much faster
than the fastest X-sync speed for my F70 (i.e. 1/125).  If I
remember, the speed it gave was 1/1000.  When I switched the SB-26
on (so as to flash-illuminate my daughter), the viewfinder LCD showed
"Hi".  I reckon the camera was saying to me "I can only X-sync at
1/125 but if I do this, most of the scene is going to be totally burned
out, as the 'proper' shutter speed should be 1/1000".  It's as if
it were saying "look, because you're matrix metering the scene, you
obviously want all of it correctly exposed.  But now you've gone and
switched on the SB-26 in 3DMSBFF mode and thus presented me with two
mutually exclusive tasks: (a) expose the whole scene properly, for
which I must shoot at 1/1000 and (b) balance-fill-flash your
daughter, for which I can only shoot at 1/125".
Sorry for such a long-winded lead-in to the question (it took me
about 15 mins to write the above!), but here it is: how can I do as
you suggest because of the low X-sync of my F70?  Or do I just shoot
at the high speed -and- let the flash fire?  Will this give proper

> ii) With fill flash (say spot) you can meter only the foreground 
> subject and the flash output will be relative to the ambient light 
> level on the foreground subject only. The background will be grossly 
> overexposed!

Am I correct in saying spot fill flash and cw fill flash are not
possible with my F70/SB-26 combo?

Thanks again for replying.


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