Zoltan, Henry

> Tele-Reflexagar 300m f5.6 

Thank you very much for the reply to my adapter question. 

I did not like the lens in the adapter at all and I removed it with a file as you 
said. I had to use some more violent instruments on the lens, to make it focus 
to infinity again. This works now very well. 

I have not shot film so far with the new construction, I had only the impression 
thru the viewfinder, that it is still vignetting. Actually I found that I can see the 
small wires holding the mirror and the small notch in the middle of the mirror 
(F3). So I hope the vignetting is gone and I got just confused with the viewfinder 

I have removed the hole lens holder in the adapter. The inner diameter of the 
adapter is now wider than the inner diameter of the lens thread. I have checked 
Marchesi's Handbook of Photography and the Vignetting is probably caused by 
a part of the body. The effect should be reduced by stopping down to 3 steps. 

When you are looking from the front thru the lens (on the center line) you do 
not see the aperture diaphragm until you get to about f=9. Thus the vignetting 
should get better with f=11 and slower. 

I will do a series of test shots, when the weather is good enough.

Best wishes

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