Hello World,

        Despite the fact that my N90 will AF in impressively-low light
        levels on its own, there are times when the AF assist beam from
        my SB25 can come in handy.

        Those times seem to be coinciding with when I have my SB-25
        mounted on my Stroboframe Press-T bracket.  Yes, the one withOUT
        the -3 degree tilt!  The AF-assist beam then no longer covers
        the (small spot) AF sensor; in a dim ballroom w/ the 24-120 mounted,
        if the camera can't autofocus, *I* certainly am not going to be able 
        to manually focus!

        Does anyone have a solution (other than trading my PressT for 
        the Pro-T)?  I didn't see any accesories at B&H's website that 
        would enable this.

        And yes, a faster lens would help, but that's not the answer 
        I'm looking for :*)

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