Hy guys,
I would like to share with you a funny thing that happened today while
talking with Nikon USA customer RELATIONS departement.
I teach architecture and especially architectural photography in a
canadian college, department of architecture.  We rely heavily on Nikon
equipment and, as the person in charge of photo equipment, I have been
receiving routinely the Nikon USA catalogue, free of charge (usually $US
4,95) for the last 10 years.
Needing to check on something I realized that  I haven´t got the 1998 catalogue.
So I called the 1 800 Nikon customer relations dept. and a kind person
told me that Nikon USA wouldn´t ship a catalogue outside the USA; he
suggested that I get a friend adress in the USA so they could ship it to
my friend, who in turn would ship it to me.
No matter what I told the guy, that I don´t have a USA relationship,
that I was willing to pay the catalogue fee and shipping, that I´ve got
it without even asking for it for the last 10 years, the guy wouldn´t
budge and flatly refused to send the catalogue outside the US, even to
neighbour Canada.
Furthermore he told me that I wasn´t on their database and that it was
IMPOSSIBLE that I had this kind of service in the past.
He also told me that his supervisor wouldn´t change this policy.
Now, I always had the USA catalogue because Nikon Canada doesn´t publish one.
Could someone (Nikon USA are you reading this?) EXPLAIN ME THIS POLICY?
Do you think you are sending sensible information about japanese
products to Saddam Hussein?
Shouldn´t your departement change his name to Customer SUPPRESSION dept.?

I confess to be quite puzzled.

Thank you for reading this and, if you have an explanation, please let
me know, I won´t share it with Col. Gheddafi.

Pierlucio Pellissier in Montreal, Québec, Canada

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