It is so damn obvious that Nikon released the F100 to soon, as not to loose
market to the better
specified EOS3. Now, not only did they do it fast, they managed to allow
C**** to make a better
product. There is little doubt in my mind that the 3 beats the F100 in
performance. WHY? Bbecause
someone at Nikon made the wrong move at the wrong time. I am sure he/she
wont be there for long.

Hmmmm. And you know this, how? Handled a few EOS-3s and F100s already, have
you? Well then, many of us would welcome a detailed evaluation of your
hands-on experiences. You'll be the first to publicly share them.

Of course, if 45 little red squares potrentially impeding your viewfinder
view, in leiu of 5 squares and focus-transfer software, is you're idea of
better specification, you're right. If more plastic and less metal in the
support frame fits the definition of better specification, you're right.

But if more accurate focusing is what you're after, you may want to
consider that the well-respected French magazine Chausseur d'Images found
both the F5 and N90s captured more in-focus shots than an EOS-3. They plan
publishing a head-to-head comparison of the EOS-3 and F100 soon.


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