The N70 control system is entirely analogous to
the menu system of Win98 or MAC: You choose your
main menu using the selector wheel. The chosen
menu is indicated by an arrow in the LCD window.
Tbe current setting for that menu is also displayed.
You then use the command wheel to select your desired
menu item. 

The window looks complex in illustrations because they
display all the options at once. Look at the instruction
manual for any P&S where they display all the functions
in a single photo. Looks like a 747 control panel but
using the camera is simplicity itself. 

I say this, not to contradict previous postings but to
reassure prospective owners that controlling the camera
is very straightforward.

As for the salesman at B&W (no dispersion intended), he
is selling an F5 at four to five times the cost of the N70.
Consider his comments in context.

Good luck . . . . and I do envy you your F5!


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