>Could someone tell me whether I can use the SB10 with the N70? The
>manual's list begins with the SB11. If so, is this unit preferable to
>the built in flash? I guess there are some trade-offs here, but I'm >a 
real amateur when it comes to flash.  
>Thanks Jim

Jim,  I'm really straining here, but I think the SB-10 was released with 
the original FM/FE cameras.  I don't think it supported TTL flash.  I 
think it would probably work OK, but you really should get something 
that does TTL, at least an SB-15 or SB-16.  The SB-27 or SB-28 are "The 
Best" but if they are past your price point, you might also look at the 
Sunpak 355AF or 433AF.  They are supposed to work quite well with the 


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