> Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 19:10:11 -0800
> From: "Rick Reeves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [3] 85 D f1.4 focus ring question
> One thing I have noticed about
> my 85 is that, after pressing the small button that allows switching from
> auto to manual focus, the focus ring does not engage immediately the way it
> does on my 80-200 zoom.
> Is this normal behavior for this lens? Thanks for any insight.
I don't have the 85/1.4D, but I do have the 80-200/2.8D one-touch
and I *do* have the behaviour on that lens that you describe (after
switching the A/M clutch, there is some play before engagement).
Others will tell you about the 85/1.4, I'm sure. But my guess is
not to worry about it.
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