Richard McEnery asked:
>I was at a Sonics basketball game last night
>One photographer had SC-17 type cords plugged into the hotshoe of both F100s
>The cords were plugged into what resembled a brown household extension cord, 
>which was connected to something about the size of a Walkman, but with a
>short antenna on it.

That's a radio remote connected to strobes mounted high above the floor,
usually on the catwalks criss-crossing above the center scoreboard.
Produces a strong, even light -- almost like studio lighting in quality. If
you looked carefully, you'd notice the correlation between the strobes
firing and the photog on the floor shooting.

Reminds me of an interesting story... Long time ago (about 20 years ago) a
friend of mine had an arch-rival he really hated. My friend and I, and his
rival, were shooting an NBA playoff game. The rival had strobes set up in
the arena, and was using a radio remote to trigger them. My friend mostly
hated the rival because he (friend) couldn't get permission to set up his
own strobes. So he brought along his own radio remote and kept firing it
maliciously and randomly, thus interferring with the rival's shooting. (At
that time, as I recall, there were only two channels on the Nikon radio
remote.) The rival kept looking around, looking around, but couldn't figure
out what was happening. At halftime he went up to the catwalks to check out
his equipment, came back down, and switched to shooting to available light
when his strobes kept "malfunctioning."
John Albino

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