I have a question concerning the AE-Lock feature on my F70. The manual
says in page number 74 that if you want to use the AE-L button, you
should select spot or center weighted metering. Does anyone understand
why? If I lock exposure on a gray-like surface, then matrix metering
should deliver the same exposure value as center weighted or spot!

And my other question is about Fuji Velvia. I've read somewhere that
this film should be rated at 64 ASA for saturation. Assuming that this
is true, should I tell the lab that I did so? Or should I let the lab
develop it like usual? Does this also apply to negatives? Will I get a
more saturated print if I rate Kodak Gold 100 as if it had 125 ASA? And
should I tell the lab about it or will the printer correct it
automatically? What are the side effects - and is it possible to obtain
more grain by doing that?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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