>I've read in another post from
>you that the BR-2 is for ManualFocus and the BR-2A is for
>AutoFocus. I've never seen a BR-2, nor for sail nor in
>catalogues. What is the difference?

I should have said that BR-2 is for MF mount only and BR-2A is for AF or MF
mounts since you are not going to get AF with the lens reversed.  The BR-2A
is a slight modification of the BR-2 so that it would not demage the AF
contacts on the AF cameras.  There are other accessories with this
modification: PK-11A and BF-1A.  My question has to do with BR-4A.  It was
mentioned in the previous US full-line brochure.  The description seems
strange.  I don't know if it is a typo or it really exists.

>Could somebody please explain me the difference between
>exposure metering with BR-6 and with BR-3 mounted at the back of a
>reversed lens?

BR-6 lets you close the diaphragm to do stop-down metering as well as to
expose with AR-4/7/10.  With BR-3, you have to meter and expose with the
lens wide opened.  Using your finger to close the diaphragm is probably too
difficult with the BR-3 mounted.

BTW.  I have found out the differences between BR-4 and BR-6.  The BR-4 has
lens mounts on both sides.  The BR-6 has a lens mount on one side and a 52mm
thread on the other side so it is like a BR-3 but with the auto-diaphragm
mechanism.  This means that if you put a BR-6 togehter with a BR-2A, you
have a BR-4 equivalent, and if you put a BR-4 together with a BR-3, you have
a BR-6 equivalent.

Now if only someone can tell me the difference between BR-4 and BR-4A, if
BR-4A exists, I would be happy.


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