Several weeks ago I advised a friend who was camera shopping.  She decided
to buy an N50 or N 60 with Nikon 35-80D lens.  I told her if she used any of
the east coast places who advertised in camera magazines to be careful, as
they might possibly use the "bait and switch" stuff on her.  Also I told her
to be sure she got USA waranties, not gray market equipment, and to be sure
that the lens was Nikon, not a substitute.  I even suggested that she use
Camera World of Oregon, as I have had several very pleasant experiences with
them, and they have always done what they said they would do.

She got on the phone and shopped price.  Ended up ordering from CCI Camera
City, Inc. of Brooklyn, NY.  They assured her that she would have USA
waranties, NO gray market stuff, and that the lens would be the NIKON 35-85.
When her N60 arrived, it was actually an F60.  And the lens was a SIGMA 28-80.  

I think she has realized that she made a mistake in dealing with these
people, and is doing her best to sort it all out, but is not getting much
cooperation with CCI.

I am posting this to the list so that anyone else considering dealing with
these people might be forwarned.

Coleman Locke

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