David Place wrote:

>picked up an F2 yesterday which has a problem with the shutter release ...
>most of the time it releases properly at all shutter speeds ... then the
>shutter release button will stay down & the shutter will not fire ... the
>shutter will fire even when the release button is down with the self timer
>... does anyone have any suggestions for a self-fix on this problem .....

Not unless you're a qualified repairman. Sounds like it's in need of a good
CLA, which I've had done as a matter of routine to my Fs and F2s.

A possible (though probably temporary) fix is just to keep firing the
shutter at all speeds for half an hours or so, and see if the problem
improves. If it does, it means that you've moved about some of the 'gunk'
which is probably causing the problem. This is often the case with the slow
speed escapement, which gets gummed up if it isn't exercised once in a

Hope this helps.



Alex Hurst
Cork Florists
19 Winthrop St, Cork
Republic of Ireland
Tel: +353 21 270 907
Fax: +353 21 271 248
Website: http://www.flowerlink.com/corkflorists
Home website: http://homepages.iol.ie/~corkflor/

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