On Sun, 6 Dec 1998 15:00:11 +1030  Kam, Teik Lim - KAMTL001 wrote:

> I don't use my F70's onboard flash very often and as I was toying
> around with
> that beauty of a gem yesterday with the onboard flash on, I heard
> noises coming
> form the flash unit. It'll stay un for about 5 seconds and then go off. 

I hardly ever use the pop-up, but mine doesn't emitt these noises.
However, the F70 manual says that if you're not going to use the
pop-up for an extended period, you should still fire some test
shots once a month to keep everything primed.

I never do this, as I find that using the pop-up -eats- batteries.
This is also why I never use the pop-up for picture taking.

> Hoping that it is nothign of concern, I'm wondering whether I can use
> the F70's
> flash when in Aperture Priority or Manual. Meter says nothing below
> 1/60. Can I
> ignore and still get what I'd get on Program mode?

Yes, it can be used in A and M modes.  In M mode, if you're shutter
speed is below 1/60, the flash will still fire (for 1/60, I guess).
This is really no different to use Slow Sync, if shutter speed is
faster than 30 secs.  In A mode, you'll be restricted to a shutter
speed between 1/60 and 1/125 but it's no different than P mode in
terms of the results.


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