>Date: Sat, 05 Dec 1998 21:24:54 -0500
>From: Mike Rohde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: flash diffusers [v04.n150/21]
>Message: 21

>I'd be interested in any recommendations anyone
could make in regard to
>strobe diffusers (SB-26/28). I'm interested in
the bounce and direct
>type diffusers.


Mike, The Sto-Fen omni bounce diffusers work
great! It softens the light directly w/o bouncing.
I use two of them :main & Fill for quick
newspaper/magazine assignments. If you want to see
some examples go to my "people" page 75% of the
people shots were lit with them.

Tony Schreck
Anthony Brett Schreck Photography
e-mail:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
web page:  http://www.absphoto.com/~absphoto

“The worst poverty is not to live in a ‘small’
house, but to live in a small mind.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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