
I will make a few suggestions, but let me first start off by saying that
you have not given a reason for wanting to add to your system.  What do you
want to do that you cannot with your current setup?  Once you can verbalize
the answer to that question, you will be better able to answer it yourself.
 You are the best judge as to what you need once you have a goal.

As for the 50mm fixed FL lens, you already have this length covered in the
35-80 zoom.  So you would only need this lens if you wanted more sharpness,
lager aperture or smaller lens size.  Dont worry too much about the lens
elements/groups specs.  First of all, this is simply a designation of how
many pieces of glass there are and how they are "grouped" within the lens
barrel.  A large number of elements such as found in your zooms can cause
flare and other image degradation.  Not enough and you get distortion from
extreme element curvature.  Others on the list can correct or add to my
explanation.  Neither you nor I nor most others on this list are
knowledgable enough about lens design to say how many elements is "best". 
As far as the coating, all modern lenses have organic coatings to reduce
reflections and dispersion.  Nikon and all other major lens makers have
excellent coatings, so again, dont worry too much.  As long as you stick
with Nikon, you wont have a problem.

Your F601 already has a nice little flash unit built in.  Do you use it? 
If you do, are you happy with the results?  The reasons for buying a
different flash unit would be to get the unit off of the camera and for
more power.  Again, decide what you want to do with your photographic
efforts, then spend money.  If you do get an off camera flash, get the
Nikon SC-17 cable.  If you can afford it, get the SB-28, as it is the most
capable unit available.  However, the SB-23 is smaller and much cheaper,
yet capable of most essential functions.

I hope I have helped.  The Nikon equipment that we love here are merely
tools.  Use them as such.  Your imagination is the best tool of all.

Jim Korczak
Pocono Mountains, USA

Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 16:12:39 +-100
From: "Koen C. Stap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: F 601(6006) upgrade: 50 mm lens or flash unit [v04.n153/2]
Message: 2


I'm a newbie in the world of photography. But I'm learning a lot of you
all. Just by reading this great digest.
I'm a starting amateur and this is my equipment:
- - A Nikon F601 (6006)
- - An Nikkor AF-D 35-80 mm /4.0 - 5.6
- - An Nikkor AF-D 80-200 mm/4.0 - 5.6
- - HN-3 sunhood
- - HR-1 sunhood
- - 2 L37c 55 mm UV filters.
- - A tripod 

I consider buying a fixed focal length 50 mm lens. Which one is the best
choice when you look at my equipment? 
Which lens is the best choice, the Nikkor AF 50/1.4 D or the Nikkor AF-D
I know that the Nikkor AF 50/1.4 D has 7 elements in 6 groups and the
Nikkor AF 50/1.8 has a Nikkor super integrated coating.
The AF 50/1.8 has 6 elements in 5 groups. How does it work with the groups
and elements? What is better more elements or less?
And what is that super integrated coating of the Nikkor AF 50/1.8? Is it
useful or is it a nice commercial thing, with no value?

Or is it more sensible to first buy a good flash unit? And which Nikon
flash unit is the best choice when you look at the body and lenses I have. 

(Or non Nikon flash unit, like Metz for example) To what kind of things do
I have to pay attention to when I want to buy a flash unit? 

Unfortunately I don't have enough money to buy a good flash unit and a
fixed focal length lens, so I have to choose. 
I hope that you can give me some reasons to make my decision.

Any advice would be appreciated.
I thank you in advance.

Koen Stap
The Netherlands
Email           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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