A quick warning for those out there thinking about the SB-28. I figured
I would get it from a local dealer rather than mail order and that way
if I had trouble it would be easier to get it fixed. The SB-28 I bought
had the mystery flash-by-itself problem, so I took it back and dealer
did replace it (though the replacement was an earier serial number). It
had the problem as well. I took that one back, and they suggested that I
call up Nikon for them to fix it rather than go through them. The
flashes misfired on all the cameras I put it on, even the dealer demo
cameras... but only misfired in TTL Matrix, not TLL, A, or M.

In calling Nikon, they wanted me to send both the flash, and my camera
to them for diagnostics and repair. It was like both Nikon and the
dealer had never even heard of the problem. All of this was not at all
what I wanted to hear, especially this time of the year, so I decided to
go back to the dealer and ask for a refund or store credit, buy it
through B&H and be done with it. But now the store won't take it back
since they've exchanged it.

To the camera store's credit, after asking to do this they've exchanged
the unit flash unit again with a much later serial number unit they
didn't know they had, and my problems may be over...  (maybe I'm
paranoid to think this last part of the story sounds suspicious)

But you spend all of this money on camera gear under the idea you are
getting excellent service for it, as well as high reliability, when in
reality you go around with your flash going bonkers getting strange
looks and Nikon wants you to fork over half your photographic equipment
for the remainder of the holiday season because they evidently don't
want to recognize that a widespread problem exists.

Don't get me wrong, I love my camera... but it seems Nikon USA is intent
on weaseling out of fixing as many SB-28's as possible. I can't say if I
would have been better of buying it from B&H, but if I had it to do over
again, I'd not have gotten it locally.

Sean Dougherty 

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