>From: Noland Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Many Thanks to Andrew Donkin and Waikato Univ. [v04.n154/5]
>I personally want to again extend my Thanks to Andrew and also to 
>University whose system supports our interests..
>Best of Season's Greetings to All
>Noland Lewis

Yes I would like to join Noland to thank Andrew and Waikato univ for 
their support of this site. It had been a useful resource of Nikon info 
and personal experiences which you would not find in the manuals nor 
guide books.
Wishing all Nikoners a Blessed and Joyous Christmas and a Wonderful 
1999. Happy photographing!!

>From: "Thom Hogan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: re: F90x vs F100 vs F5 [v04.n154/7]
>I really doubt that the
>N90s will go away soon, unless demand drops significantly. But given 
>extra cost of the F100, I suspect demand will hold as photographers 
>that they don't need those extra cost extras. Nikon actually has a 
>lineup compared to, say, Canon. The new models Nikon has introduced 
>make them more competitive at more levels.

I agree that the price would be a major consideration and therefore a 
demand for the N90S will still be there. But I think it is a matter of 
time before the N90S will be phased out. The N90S was introduced in 
1994. The writing is on the wall for the N90S. The product cycle seem 
shorter with the F60 replacing the F50. It will be interesting to watch 
the replacement for the F70. Will Nikon come out with a model to be 
closer to the N90S? Competition from C***n is keen and it will be 
interesting to see how Nikon respond with its F70 replacement. This is 
what's happening with the lens. Nikon is responding now with the Silent 
Wave lens. I wish the competition is more price based so that we the 
consumers can benefit more.


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