
Paul Silver wrote: >>If there were a vote, mine would be to remain as an
email list rather than switch to a discussion group web page...<<

        I agree with Paul. The list, if it can continue, is the preferable
choice. Discussion group web pages run down hill very quickly, and I
would hate to see this happen to the Nikon list.

        Now to the issue of the Manual Focus Nikon list. Those of us that are
following Todd to the new list are not abandoning the original list. We
are just using a second channel, one that is more open to general
photography issues, but still done with Nikon cameras. I suspect that
many of us are as old to photography as the cameras we choose, and much
of the AF/GUI/Computer driven camera wave has passed us by. We don't
want to interfere with the dynamic of that generation of cameras, or
violate the spirit of Andrew's decision that this should be a "Gear"
list. Yes, we could continue talking about manual focus lenses here, but
the tech discussion about our gear has been pretty well covered over the
years. So we will talk about the general subject of photography,
approached through some MF glass. We share a simpler set of tools, but
we a often have a more complex set of reasons for doing so, and the
conversation reflects that. If your tastes run in a similar direction,
come over to http://www.onelist.com and subscribe to ManualFocusNikon.
You won't find iconoclasts or enemies of the Nikon list. You will just
find more Nikon.

                        Bill Hilburn Jr.

PS. To anyone who has loved ones serving in the NATO action in the
former Yugoslavia, you have my prayers and wishes for their safe return,
and for peace to come to that troubled land.

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