Subject: FA meter reading [v04.n322/18]
Message: 18

"If there is anyone out there still using older MF
equipment, can you tell me why my FA's meter changes
(in program mode) when the camera is held vertically?

Is there a way around this problem? Is there any way to
lock the exposure horizontally and then recompose

In program mode, the FA measures five zones in the frame, and then refers to a
complex set of algorithms to "decide" what exposure to use. In horizontal
position, the FA "thinks" that the top of the frame is the sky, and decides
accordingly. When you change the orientation to vertical, the five zones cover
different parts of the frame, so a different exposure results. 

The FA does not have an exposure lock.  However, program mode is not really
the best way to use the FA anyway. Since you seem concerned about achieving
proper exposure, I would suggest that you use aperture priority as your
standard mode of operation. When taking a reading, simply notice the shutter
speed. If you are hand holding the camera, and the speed is too slow,  open
the aperature until you get a usable speed. I discourage use of the program
mode because you will not learn anything much about the technical side of
photography if you let the camera choose both aperature and shutter speed.
Also, the program for the FA is not particularly well-designed anyway.

To take this a bit further, learn to use the spot metering option which the FA
has, and shoot in aperature priority or manual mode. Then you will really be
in control, and can start to get some proper exposures.

Robert Saltzman

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