Some time before Christmas I asked if anyone knew where I could buy a
Nikon Hat for my wife.  I eventually found a place that had hats,
shirts, etc.  After my original posting I  received many requests for
info if I eventually found a source of the hats.  I posted the info some
time in January but I still receive email from folks asking if I ever
found a source so I thought I would repost the info.

If anyone is interested they can email Randy Zack at 


for pricing info.  He sells denim shirts, polo shirts, t-shirts, base
ball hats, and sweat shirts. The clothing I received has Nikon
Professional Photographer on them but he will also put the Nikon F5
logo.  BTW, he also told me that he will have a light weight jacket soon
which I will have to order for my wife.


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