
>I tried to take pictures from slides using ISO 100 negative film
>with my F90-X and AF-D 105 mm micro-Nikkor 
>set at  f /2.8 aperture and matrix metering exposure mode.
>I used a home-made apparatus with a well diffused light source.
>I got catastrophic results! 
>I took 20 pictures. I got just 2 properly exposed!
>The others resulted in extreme overexposure.
>It seems I should set - 3.0 EV to get them properly exposed.
>The subjects in the pictures are not so dark nor so light. So, I didn’t
>use exposure compensation in any picture. 
>Why did the sensors fail to calculate the correct exposure with
>transmitted light through the object? Has it to do with the contrast? 
>When I take normal pictures (reflected light) the matrix metering
>works well, even at reproduction ratio 1:1.

Was the ASA/ISO correctly set?


>But, is the $3,000 more than its 300mm sister worth it.  Now, I realize
that you gain 100mm in focal length, but if one was going to buy along
lens, is it really worth it?  I am really looking for some insight here.

I wish I had waited for the 400/2.8, when the price gets real I will sell
my 300AFS for it.

>Also, I am aware that the E series teleconverters are compatible with the
long AFS lenses.  Any 
comments on how well they work on the 300/400 AFS lenses.  AF Speed?
Sharpness?  Overall quality?

The speed is slower, but when I use the TCs on my 80-200AFS it has the same
AF speed.

Robert in Redlands

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