
>> How many of you have used Nikon's current equivalents - 28/1.4, 50/1.2 
>> and 85/1.4??

I do not like the 28mm, I prefer 24mm or 50mm.  I have owned the 50/1.2, it
was my mail 50mm  for a very long time and I found it very sharp and
reliable.  I have owned the 85//1.4 and that puppy just snaps into focus.
In fact I also owned the 105/1.8 and 135/2.  I now own the 135/2DC but do
not need to focus as fast due to AF.  I think the 85 is the sharpest of the
bunch, then the 105, then the 135 and then the 50, from what I have seen.
The 85/1.4 is incredible.  I once owned the leica M6 with a 50/1.0, what an
incredible piece of glass!

>> If so, how often have you used these lenses wide open?

Actually I try to shoot wide open with these lenses all the time.  Any
teeny loss in sharpness is more than offset by the dynanic images brought

>> How often have you really needed another half stop?
>> Does Nikon really need a new lens mount?

A new lens mount may as well be a new camera company.


>Dear Robert,
>Thank you for your advice.
>Actually price of SB26 is much higher than SB28, at least in Kuala Lumpur.
>Why would you replace your old SB26 with cheaper SB28?

I would never replace the SB26.  I like it, it works, and the slave
function is there should I ever need it.  I think the bulk of it also makes
it a better balance and a bit tougher.  The demand for the former sure
comes out in the prices there!

>My first objective is to find a better flash for remote and slave use and
>second objective is to find a best match with F5.  I currently have F90/SB25
>and planning to have a F5 soon.  So far, I am almost convinced that SB28 and
>SU-4 combination would be the best as a slave of F90/SB25 or F5/SB25 and as
>a main flash of F5.

Would the SB-28 and SU-4 cost less than the SB26 alone?  Would you use many
of the functions on the AU-4 to ustify the difference, or could you use the


>It has a better user interface(IMO), sliding MODE
>switch instead of the soft button.  Has less problems.
>Has a built-in slave.

Built in slave?  More like built in slave sensor.

Robert in Redlands

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