> which teleconverter can i use in autofocus 
        > mode or manual mode

        The recommended TCs for that lens are the 
        TC-14B and TC-301.  Nikon does not make a 
        teleconverter that will maintain AF with 
        the 300mm/f4.  

        I've used the TC-201 with the 300mm/f4. It 
        works fairly well -- fine for prints up to 
        5x7, and OK on 8x10's.  

        Nikon used to make an AF converter called the 
        TC-16A.  I've played around with one a 300mm/f4.  
        Optically the combination's OK, but the TC's
        AF focusing accuracy isn't acceptable on long

        Third-party companies do make real AF TC's.
        In fact, almost everybody BUT Nikon makes AF 
        TC's.  I don't know which (if any) of them 
        would be a good match with the 300mm/f4.


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