On Mon, 5 Apr 1999 00:16:00 +1200  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ellery Chua)

>I think that if the original poster had actually bought the lens and
>knew how to use it - he would not have made such fantastic claims. The
>true worth of a lens is in the images we can produce with it.

I think it is safe to say that the original poster knew how to use the
lens properly.

>The list has been informative but at times the dis-inofrmation that is
>circulated is staggering.
>Film choice :
>it better to use faster than 100 asa negative film - I find that
>200asa of Kodak or Fuji consumer grade gives good  results of course
>if you were extremely particular or if you had to take pictures of
>dark skin  or extremely fair skin people than the vericolour range of
>film from Kodak or the equalivalent from Fuji would be a better choice
>( either 125asa or 400asa).

Speaking of disinformation... your film suggestions are quite frankly off
the mark.  200 speed films tend to fare poorly in comparison with their
400 speed brethren, and consumer films invariably have too much contrasts
for weddings.  A better suggestion would be a 400 speed professional Kodak
or Fuji film, such as NPH, rated at maybe 200 and not pulled.

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