>>      Nikon used to make an AF converter called the 
        >>      TC-16A.  I've played around with one a 300mm/f4.  
        >>      Optically the combination's OK, but the TC's
        >>      AF focusing accuracy isn't acceptable on long
        >>      lenses.  

        > OK I do not have the 300/f4  but I have used this 
        > on the 80-200/f2.8 and the Tokina 400mm. For both 
        > lens this TC will not AF the full distance scale- 
        > you must set the lens to manual focus & the body 
        > to S or C focus mode. Do a rough focus, touch the 
        > trigger to activate the AF to get the TC16A to fine 
        > focus.

        Right.  Even on a normal lens the TC-16A won't cover 
        the lens' entire focus range.

        But what my original post was saying is that with my 
        longer lenses in combination with the TC-16A, autofocus
        is inaccurate even if the correct focusing distance is 
        within the TC's range

        It works OK on shorter lenses, but on both my AF 
        300mm/f4 and my AI 300mm/f2.8, if I carefully focus 
        manually so the image is dead sharp, when I press 
        the shutter release, the TC refocuses slightly in 
        front of the subject.  The result is a negative
        that's noticeably out of focus.

        I don't know if the TC is actually causing the problem,
        or if the AF system in the camera (an F5) is inaccurate, 
        and the combination of that TC on a longer lens just 
        makes it's inaccuracy more obvious.  

        Whatever the cause of the problem, I don't use (or 
        recommend) the TC-16A for long lenses -- in my opinion, 
        the results aren't worth printing.  

        I'm a picky bastard though -- lots of people act proud 
        of pictures that make my head hurt.


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