After receiving email from the list's subscribers I have proceeded and
taken some initiatives.
I have reserved the domain "" for the new list's home.

Unfortunately, I still have not been able to contact Andrew.
I hope that this move will only help keep the mailing list alive.
The migration process will take sometime, and I will definately require
Andrew's assistance.
For the time being, the domain name is inactive as I build the site and
the majordomo software.
All I can assure you is that I will do my best to make it a super list.
The server's speed is as fast as it gets on the net.
I will include an FAQ, and live chat.
I do need the support from all of you though.
As time is running out, and it will take time to setup everything, this
is why I have made this fast movement.
I dont want this list to "die".
I hope I find you all in agreement. there will be no "charges" or "ads"
or anything like this for this service. Just heart and soul.
Any other input on what you believe I can do to assist, I will be at
your service.
Thank you.
I hope that my move finds you all in agreement.


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