
There are several features, typical for Nikon's pro series you won't find on
the FM2, like MLU, DOF indication, interchangeable finders, 100% finder
view, that the F3 *does* offer. The F3 also opens the door to a much wider
collection of accessories you can use: a fast motordrive (MD4), 250-exposure
back, Polaroid back, etc.

I guess if you intend to use your camera not too often  the FM2 would suit
your needs quite well, though you've got to keep in mind this is a fully
mechanical camera, so you've got to do all the settings yourself.
I used an FM (the FM2's ancestor), and later on an FM2 as backups for my F3,
but got so used to the F3's aperture priority auto mode, I swopped it for
another F3.

You're right about the flash sync speed: this is one of the biggest
disadvantages of the F3 (plus the lack of a hot shoe, except the F3P), and
1/90 isn't that impressive compared to the 1/200 for the FM2 (1/250 for the

My conclusion would be: if you prefer to work a fully mechanical camera
and/or intend to do a lot of flash-supported shooting the FM2(n) would be
your best choice. If you are looking for a camera with more potential
concerning 'growth' to professional use, I'd say the F3 is what you need.

Hope this helps,


>I asked a question a couple of digests ago, and my e-mail was rather long
>rambling, but basically I need advice as to whether I should buy an F3 over
>FM2. Has the F3 any major advantages? I believe the flash sync speed is a
>paltry 90, but other than that what is it that makes it  such a good (and
>still manufactured) camera?

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