First let me state that I truly like both cameras, they are both outstanding
machines.  I have owned a FM2 in the past and presently own a F3HP w/ MD-4
as a backup camera.

Pros to the FM2:
* 1/250 flash sync (a must for using a flash outside)
* manual body, if it gets told or the batteries simply die on you
* 1/4000 top flash sync, useful when really wanting to stop action or shoot
wide open (to have a shallow DOF) on a sunny day
* lighter in weight 

Pros to the F3HP: 
* higheye point view finder (allows you to see the entire frame with glasses
* view finder shows you 100% of what will be on the negative, this is most
desirable when you print full frame (those images with black boarders around
* removable prism allowing you to shoot from the waste, great way to get
someone off guard and even more useful when you want to shoot with the
camera on the ground, you get less dirty
* simply more durable then the FM2

I opt for the F3HP because of the first two reasons are really big issues
with me, I don't like non Higheye Point view finders simply because I don't
like smashing my face against the camera to see everything.  I shoot B&W,
print all my own work and 95% of the time I print full frame and leave the
little black edge around the image.  Because the F2 ~ F5 has the 100%
viewfinder, there are never any unexpected surprises on the edges of my
pictures.  It is not uncommon for me to remove the view finder and drop the
camera to my waste or all the way to the ground.  With the prism removed I
can simply look down from a distance and keep my shirt clean. I normally use
a wide angle lens when I do this and I rely on DOF to keep things in focus.

I am not trying to tell you that one camera is any better then the other,
only the difference and why I opt for one over the other:)  I hope this


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