Hello all,

Perhaps I'm exaggerating a bit but the smallest knob on my F3 broke off.
It's the small safety knob (the "camera back lock lever") which you have to
move to lift the rewind crank to open the back. Does anybody else have
experienced this? I now have to put a very small screwdriver in the little
hole that's left to open up the back. This doesn't look very professional
when I'm with a client but it does do the job. I don't even have a
"war-story" to blame for it except that I was sitting in a pub at the time
impressing some girl-friends of mine. I might have it fixed just to see what
Nikon would charge for this very tiny knob, and let you all know what the
damage was (in Euro's).
My compliments to Alexander for "our" new home, it looks very nice although
I much prefer the list in it's present digest form. In fact some other
digest's where I subscribe to (large format & medium format) are real life
lists which I have send to me once a day or even once a week (the large
format digest isn't very large). I like to print out the digest and take it
along with me to read along the way. Also many thanks to Andrew for his
great work.
In response to Martin Giphart, I'm a European subscriber even a Dutch one,
but I think he already knows this  8-).

Rob Weststrate

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