
>Federal Aviation Administration regulations REQUIRE that film be
hand-inspected if requested.  The
>specifics are contained in Federal Aviation Regulations, Section 108.17
"Use of X-ray systems,"
>from which the following is quoted: Passengers "may request that an
inspection be made of their
>photographic equipment and film packages without exposure to an X-ray
system."   The full text is
>available at the FAA site on the internet. 

What is the internet site where the regs are posted?  Are there any
exceptoions to the rule?  The gal who zapped my film insisted that she was
not happy with the weight of the camera and thus had authority to go
further and x-ray.  Her supervisor even agreed with her.


>       I have a quick question concerning the Nikon warranty slip.  I was
>wondering if my warranty will still be valid if I don't mail in the slips.
>I have always just keep all my boxes, with all papers inside.  Should I mail
>out the slips?

The one year warranty is honoroed without mailing in the slips, but the 5
year warranty needs the slips mailed in.  Note the address on the 5 year
slip, it is in Denver.  That's not Nikon, that's a clearing house for junk
mail.  They take in lots of names and to "pay" for those names they will
repair a lens now and then.  Cheap for them, extra insurance for us.  If it
asks for your e-mail address, use a hotmail addres because you WILL get
junk mail, I am!

Robert in Redlands

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