What I was trying to get at is how to make the generated constant values behave like coding specific numerical numbers.
Apparent for numerical constants, when you do this: `const modpg = 2310` the compiler will convert it to whatever is required to make math operations work (at least it did so in my code). But doing: `const modpg = parameter[0]` causes it to retain the `int` casting from the `proc`, which then requires explicit casting when doing math with differently cast values. It would be nice (so I wouldn't need to explicitly recast these values in some places) if I could make the later case behave like the former case (as explicit uncast numbers). I can obviously live with it, but it would be nice to have some sort of `null casting` to make assigned constant values behave the same as explicit numbers. In the former case I had gone thru _casting hell_ to get the math to work with the least amount of explicit casting (to reduce the coding noise), and it would be nice if the generated constants behaved the same.