> _It might be trivial with userland iterators, but they are difficult to 
> implement without concepts._

Maybe, I dunno. The real problem seems to be that functional programming simply 
doesn't work for performance. You always end up transforming the return type 
`T` to a `var T` parameter and lose composability along the way (`f(g(x))` is 
not possible anymore). I envisioned an `asFunc` macro that transforms a `proc 
foo(x: var string)` into a `proc foo(): string` so that at least not 2 versions 
of these procs have to be maintained, but this still means that you need to 
call the var version of `foo` for performance... The only real solution seems 
to be a general complex term rewriting macro that eliminates and aggressively 
reuses temporary strings. 

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