@Udiknedormin: I meant right now, since VTable are not available of course.

@monster: It is not safe as is, you must ensure your chain of Msg and MsgBase 
pointers have the same lifetime (by putting them in a seq for example). 
Otherwise if they are created in different functions, the previous MsgBase 
would not exist anymore.

Using concepts, doesn't work yet though because no VTable.
      QueueID* = distinct uint16
      MsgBase* = concept x
        x.previous is ptr[MsgBase]
        x.sender is QueueID
        x.receiver is QueueID
      Msg*[T: not (ref|string|seq)] = object
        previous: ptr[MsgBase]
        sender: QueueID
        receiver: QueueID
        content*: T
    proc initMsg[T](previous: ptr[MsgBase], sender, receiver: QueueID, content: 
T): Msg[T] =
      result.previous = previous
      result.sender = sender
      result.receiver = receiver
      result.content = content
    let a = initMsg(nil, 1.QueueID, 2.QueueID, 42)
    echo a # Error: cannot instantiate: 'MsgBase'

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