> mechanical maintenance Category: Machine maintenance is divided according to 
> its circumstances and causes of damage to the normal repairs and accident 
> repairs, regular maintenance is divided into overhaul, 
> [url=[http://groovingmachines.com/news/asphalt-equipment-supplier.html]Asphalt](http://forum.nim-lang.org///groovingmachines.com/news/asphalt-equipment-supplier.html\]Asphalt)
>  Mixing Equipment supplier[/url]

repair, minor repairs.
    1 overhaul: there is a comprehensive plan of restorative repair, the use of 
machinery to repair overhaul interval after which most of the parts and even 
some basic parts wear limit is reached, all aspects of the mechanical 
properties decreased significantly. Therefore, we must conduct a comprehensive 
and thorough repairs, check all the disintegration of each 
 Road Maintenance Construction[/url] to repair or replace the overhaul does not 
meet the requirements or exemptions parts, according to the technical 
conditions overhaul reassembled substantially restore the original dynamic 
performance, economic performance and machine rugged performance parts, full 
restoration of machine condition. 2 in repair: Is the internal combustion 
engine-powered machinery between overhauls, there are plans to carry out repair 
balance. The new machine or mechanical overhauled, after a certain period of 
time, some assembly wear faster, some slower assembly wear, this unbalanced 
state of the art, so that machinery can not work properly coordinated. 
 Functional Green Road Sweeper[/url] the engine assembly and another 1-2 
overhaul of each of the other three assemblies were fully eliminate all 
maintenance and fault detection in order to adjust the imbalance between the 
various assembly and restore normal operating state machinery, as much as 
possible to extend the time between overhauls. 3 minor repairs: sporadic 
unplanned maintenance repairs. It is based on the machine to determine the 
status of a provisional assembly of parts or a replacement or repair, to 
eliminate the temporary failure or partial damage occurring in the use of 
mechanical, mechanical recovery normal operating conditions. Minor repairs 
generally only replacement of wearing 
 Asphalt Sealing Machine[/url] do not replace the basic parts and minor repairs 
to prevent mechanical damage accidents play an important role and should be 
carried out in conjunction with the maintenance. More elaborated Road Machinery 
maintenance contents, below Road Machinery maintenance work to talk about the 
actual content. Road Machinery maintenance job content of
Job content mechanical maintenance is mainly cleaning, tightening, adjustment, 
lubrication, corrosion, called "Cross job." This is based on the variation of 
the mechanical state of 
 Roller Knowledge Of Safe Operation[/url]
    after years of practice and lessons learned. In addition, inspection, and 
refresh content and other auxiliary operations.

  1. Cleaning machinery at work, would inevitably lead to mechanical and 
various internal and external systems, various parts of the dirt, some key 
parts of the machinery dirt will not work properly. Therefore, the cleaning 
operation is not only to keep the machine clean and tidy sanitation needs, more 
important is the need to ensure the safety and proper functioning of the 
  2. The role of clean air cleaner air cleaner main filter air entering the 
cylinder in the dust. Air cleaner at work, along with increased levels of dirt, 
declining filtration efficiency, increase filtration resistance, resulting in 
increased engine wear and power 
 to operate small roller[/url]

it must be cleaned.
    3\. Oil filter clean oil during use, inevitably worn metal shavings, dust, 
and combustion products contaminated with impurities. Meanwhile, heat the oil 
itself due to the oxidation will produce acidic substances and gum deposits, 
which makes the filter surface more and more dirty, filtration resistance 
increases, the oil pressure drop, reducing the amount of circulation, 
insufficient oil supply can not be guaranteed engine functioning and 
accelerated wear. Therefore, the oil filter must be cleaned to restore its 
normal work. 

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