How send email via port 587 with TLS?

    import smtp, net
    let ctx = newContext(protVersion = protTLSv1, verifyMode = CVerifyPeer, 
certFile = "mycert.pem", keyFile="mycertkey.pem")
    let smtpConn = newSmtp(useSsl = false, debug=true, sslContext = ctx)
    smtpConn.connect("", Port 587)
    #smtpConn.connect("", Port 587)
    smtpConn.auth("***", "***")

get error: Error: unhandled exception: Expected 334 reply, got: 504 5.7.4 
Unrecognized authentication type [] 

for Error: unhandled exception: Expected 334 reply, got: 530 Must 
issue a STARTTLS command first [ReplyError]

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