Afaik, OOP (for example in Java) still need which method can be override, which 
final, which abstract method(/class).

If the author didn't set those info, nothing for lib's users able to override 
or do anything the original lib.

Actually you're incorrect that a proc can be redefined across module because 
each proc defined with different module has symbol name as 
module_name.proc_name, so if there's two procs that has same arity and 
parameters types, compiler will report the error unless you call it full the 
proc symbol.

This is how you do it with closure
      Hero* = ref object of RootObj
      ImplementationError* = object of Exception
    method kill*(self, victim: Hero, howItKilled: proc(casualty: Hero) = nil) =
      if howItKilled.isNil:
        raise newException(ImplementationError,
          "Hero descendants should describe how they're killed")
        howItKilled victim
    import heroes
      OB1* = ref object of Hero
      Yoda* = ref object of Hero
    method kill*(self: Hero, ob1: OB1,
                 howItKilled = (proc(victim: OB1) =
                   echo "Obi Wan Kenobi was Killed")) =
      howItKilled ob1
    method kill*(self: Hero, yoda: Yoda,
                 howItKilled = (proc(victim: Yoda) =
                   echo "Obi Wan Kenobi was Killed")) =
      howItKilled yoda
    import heroes
    import jedi
      darthVader = new Hero
      yoda = new Yoda
      darthVader.kill(cast[Hero](yoda), howItKilled=nil)
    except ImplementationError:
      echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
    darthVader.kill yoda  # call with default defined closure
    darthVader.kill(yoda, howItKilled=(proc(yoda: Yoda) = echo "Yoda may not be 

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