While `StoreKind` can be any of `StoreInt|StoreFloat|StoreString`, once it is 
instantiated, it will stay that one. Instead you have two choices:

1\. derive from a common `Store` object:
      Store = ref object of RootObj
        dep: seq[Store]
        req: seq[Store]
      StoreInt = ref object of Store
        val: int
      StoreFloat = ref object of Store
        val: float
      StoreString = ref object of Store
        val: string

2\. use object variants:
      StoreKind = enum StoreInt, StoreFloat, StoreString
      Store = ref object of RootObj
        case kind: StoreKind
        of StoreInt: intVal: int
        of StoreFloat: floatVal: float
        of StoreString: strVal: string
        dep: seq[Store]
        req: seq[Store]
    var a = Store(kind: StoreInt, intVal : 5, dep: @[], req: @[])

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