Thanks Araq. In the end I guessed it was related to stdin/out because I grepped 
"fileno" into GCC's header files and it came up in the context of filesystem 
related constants.

Mhhh ... so I might be getting away with a simple Fibonacci function, but get a 
crash with more complex stuff! I've read many posts of people having problems 
importing static libs into PureBASIC under Windows, and that using DLL is 
always simpler. But in this case I was trying to experiment with static libs.

I've seen on PureBASIC forums that often errors similar to the ones I got were 
related to a missing system DLL (like some specific version of MS Visual Studio 
redistributables, ecc.) and was solved by importing the required DLLs along 
with the static libs....

I guess that I'll eventually get a grip on this, with more practice and insight 
into the nebulous world of all these trans-compiler operations --- I mean: 
soooo many options just for GCC compiler alone! it's east to get lost in this 
configuration/compatibility jungle.


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