Well, writing books in a foreign language is not easy...

You may have noted that this remark from chapter 2 is still not very nice
    Order of procedures
    It is important to note that the order of procedures and procedure calls 
    When calling a procedure, it must be defined above the call site like in 
the example
    above. This will likely be changed in a future version of Nim.

So I tried for fun to rewrite it. I also mention a proc forward declaration -- 
I can not remember if you mention it at all:
    Order of procedure definitions and invocations
    Before a procedure can be called, the compiler has to be aware of it. That 
means that
    it has to be defined in advance -- at a position in the source file above
    the first use, or in an already imported module.
    When it is necessary to call a procedure before it can be defined, you may 
    a forward declaration: You specify only the procedure header (without the 
    sign and the procedure body) before the first use of the procedure, and 
give the
    full definition at a later location.
    This restriction and the need for forward declarations may be relaxed in a 
future version of Nim.

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