Dear fellow Nim users,

_Disclaimer first:_ I am an organic chemist by training and although I have a 
strong interest in computers (using a Linux desktop) and 
[programming]( (mainly Python so far), I am by no 
means a computer scientist, so please go easy on me.

I am still a very new user of Nim and have used it mainly so far for writing 
some cross-platform (Linux/Windows using libui) tools for my colleagues and me. 
Now there is this large open source chemoinformatics toolkit 
[RDkit](, written in C++, which I 
use extensively via its Python bindings (generated by boost). I would love to 
use this toolkit (or at least some parts of it) from Nim.

Is this even possible and can s.o. point me in the right direction how to 
generate bindings (probably using c2nim)? Currently I would not even know where 
to start.

Many thanks in advance,


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