mport hashes, times, math, random
      tring = cstring
      Entry[K, V] = object
        key: K
        val: V
        delta: uint8
        k0: int8
      Map[K, V] = object
        data: seq[Entry[K, V]]
        numentries: int
        hi: int
        fillrate: int
        cfr: int
    proc genArray(i, j: int) : seq[tring] =
      result = newSeqOfCap[tring](j - i + 1)
      for k in i .. j:
        var h = $k
    proc newMap[K, V](capacity: Natural; fillrate: range[10 .. 95] = 50): 
Map[K, V] =
      var h = capacity
      result.hi = nextPowerOfTwo(h) = newSeq[Entry[K, V]](result.hi)
    proc contains[K, V](m: Map[K, V]; key: K): bool =
      #var i = key.hash
      var i = random(
      if i != 0: return true
      echo "newer reached! -- otherwise it would crash!"
      if[i].key == key: return true
    var m = newMap[tring, tring](512*2, 95)
    var a = genArray(1, 900)
    echo "contains"
    var x = cpuTime()
    for i in a:
      discard m.contains(i)
    echo((cpuTime() - x) / 900)
    $ ./h

When I change line 4 to "tring = string" I get about 52 ns instead.

Of course a Nim string is more complex than a plain cstring. But I think I have 
already removed all what is really related to the actual Nim string. What 
remains is basically a call of proc contains() and immediate return. I have 
even replaced hash() call by plain random() call. Of course the total memory 
occupied by a Nim string is larger, so less of it fits into cache. But where 
does it makes the difference.

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