Some musings;

Beware, I edited title and original post to better reflect the point of the 


When I first installed Nim 0.13, I accepted that there will be "wtf-moments" 
because I knew that it is work-in-progress. When press release of 1.0 will 
eventually hit the fan, I surely hope there will be flocks of people installing 
Nim just to try it out - just for the evening, for a work day or a weekend. But 
the same amount of tolerance may not be expected then. That's why I think 
progress toward better error messages is very important just now.


Steep entry slope may have been also a blessing so far in the sense that forums 
are not flooded with us beginners, newbies, novices, newcomers, noobies and 
whatnot, but it's not a long-term strategy.

As long as Nim syntax and libraries keep changing, it's also good that www has 
not been filled with outdated solutions. Modern programming is much about first 
finding code and libraries from web and then spending X hours getting the 
versions and dependencies right. Rosetta code was indispensable for me when 
learning (and of) Nim - when 1.0 comes out, make sure that code there is 


Sorry about the pathos, I just tried to conjure the exasperation of a Nim 
beginner (whose voice may be underrepresented on these forums). It's a 
privilege that even beginners get answered by core devs, but I don't expect 
this to last forever. Hard to imagine Linus reading some beginner forums, let 
alone answering, and if he did, I wouldn't mind the tone.

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