I'm trying to understand what you are suggesting with your response, especially 
because what I ultimately want to do in this instance I will want to do with 
other bigger generators.

What I assume you are saying is `helper` is some Nim source program that will 
produce the output that `gemPGparameters` does. The expression you give will 
then execute `helper` at run time and provide its results to `const parameters` 
at its compile time. Is this interpretation correct?

What I ultimately want to do is create a family of `const parameters` for 
different prime generators at compile time. Then when the program executes it 
will select which parameters to use based on the input value.

For P17 the `residues` array has 92,160 values, P19 has 1,658,880, P23 has 

So I ultimately want a lot of values computed and stored at compile time.

Your response suggests the current compiler won't accommodate this amount of 
data generation at compile time. I guess my question is why?

Why not create a compiler directive to remove any time/data constraints to 
compile time activity? Make the compiler do what the programmer wants.

Also, just from your response I don't have enough detailed information to make 
your suggestion work. Is this suggestion verified to provide the results I 
want? If so, can you give a detailed example of how to implement it?

I understand Nim is still young and in core fundamental development, so I hope 
you take this situation into consideration for future compiler development. 
I've been able to do a lot with Nim as it is (and I understand it), so these 
improvements will greatly extend its usefulness to the class of problems I am 
now working on.

Thanks for taking this into consideration.

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