@Krux02, nimx was originally started as an experiment with fragment shaders 
used to draw vector graphics by means of distance fields. I was also thrilled 
by the idea to use one code for native and js, even though we later added 
emscripten support. So you can call it a hobby project just for fun. What makes 
it stand out? Obviously, it is written in Nim! :) And that really means a lot 
to me. The goal is to make a ui lib that you can just nimble install and use 
right away for all platforms (including js), with no dependency headache, 
compiler/linker configurations, etc. Also since Nim is much more productive 
than C++ I expect faster development rate in general. Also it is MIT. I guess 
there also should be some features which I can't imagine missing in other ui 
libraries ;)

@moigagoo, thank you! =)

@hcorion, thanks. Err.. Actually it is a game engine editor and not a video 
editor, but since our artists use AfterEffects a lot for our assets, and we 
intend to switch to our editor completely at some point, I'd say that your 
assumption is not that far from truth ;). There are some ideas to turn it into 
a more general-purpose IDE, but we'll see how it goes.

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