Thanks dom96, when I try to download using file I get 
     Error: 'threadFunc' is not GC-safe as it accesses 'defaultSSLContext' 
which is a global using GC'ed memory

I've never used threads before, so my scripting may be wrong, here is my 
attempt at it:
    import locks
    import httpclient
    var L: Lock
    proc threadFunc(interval: tuple[url, output: string]) {.thread.} =
      acquire(L) # lock stdout
      echo interval.url
      downloadFile(interval.url, interval.output)
      #echo interval.b
    var thread: Thread[tuple[url, output: string]]
    createThread(thread, threadFunc, 
("";, "test.pdf"))

It's roughly based on the example here: 

I have yet to try the AsyncHttpServer method, I'll have to try that one next. 

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