Have opened a ticket on github with a related feature request:


But also bringing it up on the forum for possible further discussion.

Anyhow, I'm a big "high integrity"-type fanboy. I don't program in Ada (yet), 
but I'm really enthusiastic about it.

Nim already seems to borrow many features from Ada (I think Araq's even 
mentioned this before, I think it was something like providing Ada, but being 
blamed for C's shortcomings).

Anyhow, I figure it's a really nice idea to scavenge some ideas off of Ada 
2012. Partly to help bring that kind of set of secure (or more importantly, 
high integrity/reliability) practices more to the mainstream (also, some 
further distinguishing of Nim vs other more mainstream langs than Ada).

We probably won't ever get to the level of "SPARK"-type static analysis, but 
base Ada alone, is I think leagues ahead of just about every other lang.

(implied here, also an ideas like making "contract programming" libs, like 
NimContracts, part of the stdlib, or having floating-point range types, etc), 
as well as being able to promote Nim as having a focus on security/high 

Thoughts on this? 

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