I'll follow your development and provide input. The library may prove quite 
useful for some handcrafted computations in Arraymancer.

My first remark would be to use a ./bin or ./out folder and .gitignore it, you 
actually added the produced library to your git repo.

Second, I think instead of asking "sse" or "avx", you should use compile-time 
define with `when defined(sse)` like I do 
 for openmp and cuda. And at compilation you can use `nim c -d:sse 
-o:out/yourproject yourproject.nim`

Lastly, I think the killer feature would be runtime CPU feature detection.

You might want to check Rust [Faster](https://github.com/AdamNiederer/faster), 
and for runtime CPU features detection, lots of multimedia libraries like 
FFMPEG or VLC have it, I think the cleanest codebase with runtime CPU detection 
is for the [SIMD image library](https://github.com/ermig1979/Simd).

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