There is currently another point that confuses me:

I tested with an initial array increased in size by factor 10:
    var x: array[10000, int]

Compiled with -d:release and default -O3 for gcc gcc takes 28 seconds to 
generate the binary and binary size is 650k. And with -Os or -O2 results are 
similar. Well 10k ints global should result in 80k BSS section when int size is 
8 byte. But what may go on? This is for gcc 5.4

@Krux: I have to think about your comment some more still. But sorting may be 
indeed a problem I guess, when array elements are objects, we have to provide a 
cmp() proc to sort, and that cmp() proc has to compare all the fields of the 
object, and is called often. So that should be not very fast.

And of course deduplicate operation should prevent the order in the seq and 
keep always the first candidate. 

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